Our current work centers around preventing, ending, and helping communities recover from violence in Central and East Africa, with a current focus on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a region that the UN placed third on its “10 Crises to Watch in 2021” list. Despite the deployment of one of the world’s largest peacekeeping missions, the region remains rife with conflict. We seek to catalyze peace in the region by:

  • Improving analysis on armed group dynamics and atrocities. 
  • Publishing ground-breaking research and providing informed policy recommendations. 
  • Improving cross-border collaboration among civil society and governments to enhance regionally coordinated policies and civilian protection efforts. 
  • Pursuing justice for top perpetrators through legal mechanisms such as the International Criminal Court. 
  • Detering recruitment and promoting defection of combatants. 
  • Providing supplies, psychosocial services, family reunification, livelihood support, and other opportunities for reintegration and advancement to former combatants who lay down their arms and choose peace.